Velocity Youth Ministry
It is the heart of this ministry to disciple and teach youth how to obtain andmaintain a fulfi lling relationship with God. By providing an atmosphere where theyouth are safe, comfortable and nurtured by a solid leadership team we can thentrain, equip and help them discover who God has called them to be.
Our Approach to Discipleship:
Our Junior/Senior Youth meetings at VYM take place at 7:00 p.m. on Fridaynights. (Grades 6 – 12) These meetings are open to youth in Junior High. Allmeetings are overseen by our Youth Director AJ Cordero. There are also severalyouth leaders present in our meetings, who assist in many aspects of leadership aswell.
Our Highest Priority at VYM is sound preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
Since “…faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God,”
(Romans10:17)the youth must sit under the teaching of the Word in order to grow in their faith. The youth are also highly encouraged to read their Bibles every day.
We also teach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gift s. Jesus says toHis disciples in Acts 1:8, “…you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has comeupon you.” This outpouring of the Holy Spirit was to empower the Church to dothe work of the Kingdom of God. This power is for all Spirit-fi lled believers,including our youth! Therefore, we are zealous for the gift s that God has given us Praise and Worship are taken very seriously and learning how to worship God in
“spirit and in truth” ( John 4:23) is taught as well. Psalm 22:3 says that God inhabits
the praises of His people. Thus, praise and worship are a dynamic element in
every Christian’s life and this is demonstrated and conveyed to the youth in every
meeting, by our youth worship team.
The youth who have a desire to minister or feel a calling to the Christian ministry,
I’ll be given many opportunities to evangelize and take part in team ministry
outreaches. The youth are also encouraged to join the intercessory prayer group
where they are further taught on prayer and intercession as well as evangelism.
Finally, we incorporate prayer and fellowship into our weekly meetings. We teach
the youth the importance of having their own prayer lives. We also want them to
know how to pray for others and receive prayer. Lastly, youth are youth and love
to have fun! So we make sure there are plenty of activities, retreats and outings to
meet their social needs.
Velocity Youth Ministries is committed to helping the youth of today in finding
their destiny in God and achieving their dreams! We also incorporate annual
youth retreats and events to help our kids grow spiritually while making
memories and encouraging new friendships in the church.
Youth Director: A.J. Cordero
About Him:
A.J. Cordero has worked with Full Gospel’s Youth program for nearly 20 years.Originally the self-titled “big guy in the back of the room,” He served under twoseparate youth programs before being asked to step up and run the program.Now, as Director of VYM, A.J. has had a hand in raising up generation aft ergeneration of youth to be equipped to walk with Christ as they walk into the planthe Lord has for them.
Born and bred on Long Island, A.J. attended Comsewogue Senior High, where hemet his beautiful wife, Lisa. Together, they have two kids, Cortney and Christian,both of whom have grown up in Velocity.
A.J. has worked as a Local 25 Electrician since the late 80’s. He also serves as aDeacon at Full Gospel and fi rmly believes that when you submit your life to God,little can be much in the hands of the Master.